David Coyne

David Coyne, Skills Development Scotland

David is Senior Policy Adviser on Labour Market, Employability and Fair Work in Skills Development Scotland.

David performs the role in the leadership team in SDS providing advice on Employability, Fair Work and Labour Market Strategy. This supports the ambition for SDS to continue to develop innovative skills and employment programmes and initiatives and to promote and implement Workplace Innovation across Scotland.

In addition he established the Centre for Work-based Learning (CWBL), which is a collaboration between The University of Strathclyde, Forth Valley College, Heriot Watt University, Skills Development Scotland and Robert Gordon University.

His current focus is on developing new digital platforms to engage adults who have had their employment disrupted by the Pandemic.

Prior to joining SDS, David was Head of City Deal and Head of Economic Development at Glasgow City Council, and led the negotiation of the £1.13Bn Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal.

Previously David was Executive Director of Glasgow Works, the DWP funded City Strategy Pathfinder which designed and implemented a £50m Employability Programme between 2007 and 2011.

David also held leadership roles in the third sector and has worked internationally as a consultant on economic development and preparation of new member states for EU membership