Ellen Vanderhoven

Research Associate and PhD Student, School of Education

Ellen works on the project part-time as a Research Associate and is focused on conducting a realist synthesis of the literature on Dual Apprenticeship policy transfer. Alongside this, Ellen is also undertaking an ESRC-funded doctoral studentship at the University of Glasgow School of Education. Her doctoral research links to the broader GCRF project, focusing on a longitudinal study of post-apprenticeship outcomes for Mexican young people.

Ellen’s background was originally in teaching and youth work, before completing an MSc in Education, Public Policy and Equity at the University of Glasgow and transitioning into academia. Since then, she has worked as a Researcher at the GCU Yunus Centre (COOL Music – Scottish Government and ESF) and the University of Glasgow Robert Owen Centre (YOUNG_ADULLLT – Horizon2020/European Commission). To date, her work has centred on examining the implementation of vocational and community education projects through an equity lens.