Dr Srabani Maitra

Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Education, University of Glasgow

I am a sociologist of education and an adult educator. I have a PhD in Adult Education and Community Development from OISE at the University of Toronto and a Masters degree in Women’s Studies from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada. Before arriving in Glasgow, I was an Eyes High Post-doctoral scholar at the Werklund School of Education in the University of Calgary, Canada.

My research combines interdisciplinary theories and methodologies from sociology and education to focus on the issues of education/ learning, workplace skill training, transnational migration and community development. My research has been published in journals such as the Curriculum InquiryStudies in Continuing Education, Globalisation Societies and Education, Qualitative Inquiry, Journal of Workplace Learning.

Going beyond traditional forms of scholarly inquiry, I have drawn on the arts-informed qualitative research to raise public awareness about socio-economic inequities and struggles of marginalized groups. In this regard, I have developed and designed (as part of a team), a multi-media ethnodrama focusing on the gendered and racialized nature of work in post-Fordist economy. I have also completed a documentary film, “Journey to Find Myself Again” funded by York University Faculty Association, Canada. This film is around the causes of social inequities experienced by immigrant women of colour in the Canadian labour market.

Over the years, I have deeply engaged in community campaigns around issues such as anti-racism, anti-poverty, and education reform in Canada. My pedagogy too, underpinned by a social justice lens, is committed towards foregrounding suppressed voices, anti-racist and anti-colonial education as well as systemic changes.

Before pursuing an academic career, I was a secondary school English Teacher in India.