International workshop ‘Human development perspectives on the transfer of the dual system of TVET: Potentials and challenges’

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International workshop 'Human development perspectives on the transfer of the dual system of TVET: Potentials and challenges'

Co-convened by ÖFSE and the University of Glasgow, an international workshop was held in Vienna on the 26th September 2022. The workshop brought together researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of the transfer of the dual TVET, with the objective of facilitating an in-depth discussion about its potential for human development. Taking a practice- and implementation-led approach, the event provided an opportunity to further a common understanding of the potential and challenges of dual TVET transfer as a development instrument and support the translation of human development principles into policy practice. The session also proved a productive space to exchange research findings and policy implications from dual training transfer projects, with a focus on the impacts of these experiences on learners and their educational, job and life prospects in different country contexts.

The workshop kicked-off with a welcome from Dr Werner Raza (ÖFSE), Dr Margarita Langthaler (ÖFSE) and Prof Oscar Valiente (University of Glasgow). This was followed by a Keynote session delivered by Prof Oscar Valiente in which he shared the findings from the Dual Apprenticeship project in Mexico and India – in particular, the challenges faced efforts to put dual TVET at the service of a human development agenda as summarized in this recently published policy report. After a coffee break, a group-work session took place, in which participants discussed feasibility and relevance of the policy implications derived from the findings of the Dual Apprenticeship project.

The afternoon session started with a keynote session delivered by Jasminka Marković (Centre for Education Policy), in which she presented findings from the implementation process of the dual TVET in Serbia, reflecting on governance and sustainable capacity development. The workshop wrapped up with a roundtable on the opportunities and challenges of taking forward a human development perspective in the transfer of dual TVET. The session benefitted from the input of Dr Ralf Hermann (GOVET), Mr Hans Ulrich Nordhaus (DGB Bundesvorstand), Mr Gonzalo Graña (ILO/Cinterfor), Ms Lisa Pesendorfer (DC dVET), Ms Matthias Themel (ADA) and Dr Eduardo Calderón (GOPA). Overall, the workshop made for a fruitful and stimulating encounter which opened new debates and possibilities to materialize the human development potential of dual TVET.


Challenges of dual TVET transfer from a human development perspective

Findings from the Dual Apprenticeship project in Mexico and India

Translating human development principles into dual TVET practice

Policy implications from the Dual Apprenticeship project